フランス・オートクチュール界で欠かせない刺繍技法リュネヴィル•クロシェ刺繍 Broderie au crochet de Lunéville をメインに用いてキラリと優しく輝くアクセサリーや小さなインテリア雑貨をお届けしています。 取扱商材は全て本場フランスのオートクチュールで用いられるクオリティの高い商材です。 Etsuko Narita was born to a father who is a special bag craftsman.For this reason,she has been familiar with highly skilled handicrafts since she was very little. She traveled to France in 2009 when she was introduced to Luneville embroidery ,a technique used in Haute Couture embroidery. After returning home,she entered several art competitions in Japan,and exhibits her artworks at museums and other galleries. Focusing on the beauty of the materials,she continues creating artworks under the inspirations from the scenery.